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Through a combination of lectures, readings, and discussions, students.

Know About Us

First autonomous body in India and abroad imparting online distance education

Ardee Institute of Management & Technology is an autonomous body . AIMT renders a path to early success in life through its incredible Online Distance Education Programs. AIMT is keeping in imparting Online Distance Education in the areas of Management, Engineering, Computers and ITI across the globe for working Professionals. AIMT consists of concepts, case studies and Industrial training that give its students a broad exposure to relevant business concepts, ideas and management specifics, which in turn helps the students to maximize their productivity. This helps the students in imparting them capability to formulate business policies, strategies and their implications by making them the best in their respective fields. AIMT’s short terms fast track programs are specifically designed for career-oriented professionals. The course design, study material, examination pattern and the grading system help the students in enhancing their skills and knowledge in every field of specialization.

Course List

Popular Course.

Engineering Program

Business is succes

Computer Program

update your skill

Management Program

show creativity

Safety Program

health is wealth

Industrial Program

Science is power


update your skill

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Skilled Lecturers

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